It also has a cheaper subscription option compared to OneDrive, in addition to its free option. Google Drive is compatible with more file types. You can run OneDrive on macOS 10.12 with a 64-bit processor. This folder is kept in sync with OneDrive. When you install the OneDrive app for Mac, a copy of your OneDrive is downloaded to your Mac and put in the OneDrive folder. You’ll find yourself having to re-login multiple times on your computer or on the cloud to make sure everything is working and that your files are properly syncing. OneDrive offers the ability to store files in the cloud, access them from multiple devices, and share them with others.
Install the mobile OneDrive app for iOS or Android, or start Microsoft OneDrive with your OneDrive login. There are connection issues when using OneDrive. Get a OneDrive download for Windows PC or Mac. You can also decide which files sync to which devices this is very useful for devices with limited storage space. Then you can open the Downloads folder and run the OneDrive.pkg file to install OneDrive app for Mac.
#Onedrive download for mac how to#
It’s perfect for collaboration across all Microsoft products, namely Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. How to Download OneDrive for Mac For Mac users, you can sign in to your Microsoft account and also go to the OneDrive download website to download OneDrive for your Mac computer. However, it falls in comparison to its main competitor, Google Drive. It offers a fair amount of storage space. When you’re using the Office 365 suite, OneDrive is a must-have. While it boasts plenty of storage space and ease of use, it has a few issues that prevent it from supplanting Google Drive. OneDrive is a cloud storage platform from Microsoft.